Reflection on the improvement of my writing


Over the past few weeks during our learning cycle 3 we’ve learned revised and worked on concepts of creative nonfiction writing, the hero cycle, and aspects of a story (i.e. Character,plot, dialogue). Going over and refreshing the details of our stories and learning more about dialogue has really expanded my knowledge as not only a writer but as an editor.

Relearning the rules has deeply affected my writing I find, because of this I’ve grown and matured in so many ways. Redeveloping my ideas and preconceptions on plot, character design have really helped in building a story that I can be deeply proud of. Learning the 22 rules of storytelling from pixar taught me a new way of writing a story and a whole new outlook on the writing process i’ve been using since a young age. Watching the perspective and the advice of Ira Glass really helped grow my confidence in my writing and my skills as a writer.

Learning over the course of the whole semester has helped me grow as an editor the most. Reviewing and adding on old and new concepts has really assisted in my editing skills. Before this course I had no confidence as an editor, I am still not entirely comfortable with it but I feel I have improved by leaps and bounds.

 I have found that during this cycle while revising  not only my grammar has improved but my writing style has also improved. Before the style of writing I used was very choppy, I haven’t completely fixed old habit as old habit die hard but I have fixed quite a few of them. My writing now flows better that it ever has. This cycle has also opened a lot of ideas and opportunities in my life. With looking into creative nonfiction I realized so many of the experiences I have lived through would make great stories, and have since been looking into writing creative nonfiction.

Before this cycle I had a tendency to avoid dialogue in my writing because of how terrible my dialogue skills. I feel I have vastly improved, I still have a long way to go as if find it still feels stiff, but it’s slowly improving.  

Truly I feel much better about my writing and editing especially because of this last cycle. I am very excited to make use of the skills and tools I have learned thus far.

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